A text section

Bro Room is a men’s peer support service in Kendal who provide men of all ages a safe “space to talk”. We hold weekly meetings which can be attended in person or online and facilitated by trained volunteers.

At its heart; a bunch of blokes helping other blokes talk openly, allowing them to feel heard and understood and to play a part in instigating positive change in attitudes towards men’s issues. We extend a warm welcome to new and regular attendees with everyone made to feel like a valued part of the group.

Our meetings are held every Tuesday in the Loft Room at the Castle Street Centre in Kendal from 7pm until 9pm and are free to attend, with no referral, registration or booking required. We even provide free brews and biscuits!

We believe we are the only group offering combined in-person and online meets; allowing those unable to attend physically or those who just prefer to attend remotely the opportunity to join in. Making use of a 360-degree webcam and a large screen in the room we think it makes those online feel as close to being in the room as possible.

A callout to something

A callout to something

You should go and read more about this. It's amazing.